Brother Daniel Evans will preach on Sunday morning, then we will have a potluck following. The new youth room will be open for the first time. There will be no evening service. You can sign up for the potluck at this link: Potluck Sign Up
Crossroads at silverbell district park
6180 W Mamie Kai Drive, Tucson, AZ
Contact Bro Jeremy and Sis Angela Baggett for details. You can sign up to bring a soup, sandwiches, drinks, or sides at You're also welcome to come early. The court is rented, starting at 6:30.
Brother Jonathan Mwembe leading worship. Food and fellowship, candy for the kids! The evening service will be a memorial to Brother Billy Paul Branham. Feal free to stay all day. Evening service will start at 4:00PM Sign up for the potluck here.